Save the date! This year, our Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 18th, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The venue for our AGM is the 2nd floor Chapel, in the B wing of the Youville Motherhouse (room B-203, at 138 rue Saint-Pierre, H2Y 2L7). We will notably present the priority actions and the proposed renewal of our By-law.
We wish to thank all of you who have signed-up via our website!
The ESCC views its ongoing strategic planning journey as an essential investment toward building on its legacy, taking more data-driven decisions, staying relevant and becoming more agile in relation to changes in the social and political landscape.

On June 14th, 2023, the Council launched its stakeholder consultation in the context of its Annual General Meeting. Since then,
- the expertise of a national consulting firm specializing in the non-profit sector has been enlisted;
- confidential stakeholder interviews have begun with a view of thoughtfully reconciling internal and external forward looking perspectives;
- the literature review required for the identification of meaningful indicators and benchmarking has intensified.
The following frameworks and action plans will help structure the ESCC`s priorities, its own action plans and its accountability:
- the Action Plan for Official Languages 2023–2028: Protection-Promotion-Collaboration from the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH);
- A priority-setting Model for Quebec’s English-speaking Community, from the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN);
- the QCGN’s 2022-2027 Community Development Plan for English-speaking Quebec Working Together for a More Vital Community;
- the 2024-2029 Action Plan Vieillir et vivre ensemble, chez soi, dans sa communauté, au Québec (VVE);
- the evolving toolkit pertaining to the Synod on synodality;
- the Community Health and Social Service Network’s (CHSSN) Senior Wellness tools and initiatives.
The ESCC`s goal is to validate its proposed action plan during the next AGM and to subsequently set it in motion.