To consult documents published before 2020, please visit the Community Knowledge Open Library on English-speaking Quebec (CKOL).

In 2022-2023, the Council found itself at a crossroads in its development. Anna Farrow’s decision to retire from the Executive Director function, to embark on a new career as a columnist for The Catholic Register, meant that the ESCC was engaged in a lengthy search to find a successor. Contextually and by consensus, the five strategic priorities that have guided the actualization of the ESCC’s vision and mission, essentially since 2016-2017, were renewed. Throughout the year, governance focused on seizing all opportunities to better understand the evolution of the profiles of its key target groups (seniors, newcomers & asylum seekers, and underrepresented groups), as well as the environmental factors that drive it. Read more


ESCC-2021-22-Annual-ReportwebI am happy to present the ESCC’s Annual Report for 2021-2022. Though much of the past year has been dominated by COVID-19, the important work of the Council has carried on. Through engagement with community leaders and collective action the Council continues to advocate and organise for the English-speaking Catholic community of Quebec. Despite COVID restrictions, the Council continued to provide opportunities, through online and in-person events, for our senior and newcomer population to be informed and engaged. The Council certainly looks forward to the upcoming year when more regular programming will be possible. Read more


I am pleased to present the ESCC’s Annual Report for 2020-2021. This has been an extraordinary year. Every day seemed to bring new challenges for all and great hardships for many. We have struggled, in different ways and under different circumstances, to come to grips with a completely altered reality in both our professional and personal lives and in our church communities. I am proud of the efforts that the Council made to continue to fulfil its mandate despite the disruptions of the past year. Knowing that project expenses were going to be lower because of the necessity of cancelling certain events during the lockdown, the Council sought to assist the community where it could. As an example, the Council provided the money for Montreal Directed Retreats to purchase a Zoom Pro subscription so that they could start a daily program entitled, “Praying with Scripture on Zoom.” Over 200 people are registered for the program and between 20-30 people participate everyday. Read more